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TheVampire |
Wysłany: Nie 21:51, 02 Mar 2008 Temat postu: |
Bloodline powers:
The Severed
Spectral Horror: Ethereal, can take no magic items. 50pts
Ghoulkin: if joining a unit of ghouls the vampire and the ghoul unit can make a march move before the game starts. 25pts
Supernatural Terror: Cause Terror. 25pts
The Arcane
Master of the dark arts: two extra power dice every phase. 50pts
Forbidden Lore: Know all spells from vampire lore or any other lore except life. 35pts
Dark Acolyte: gain magic level. 30pts
The Bestial
Flying Horror: Fly. 30pts
infinite Hatred: Re-roll all missed To hit rolls. 25pts
Hunter in the Dark: Gain scout. 25pts
The Martial
Red Fury: each wound dealt generates an extra attack, these extra attacks cannot generate extra attacks, cannot be combined with great weapon (lances ok though!). 50pts
Avatar of Death: Gain Heavy Armor and your choice of GW, HW shield or Double HW. 20pts
Dread Knight: Gain lance heavy armor shield, barded nightmare. 25pts
The Courtly
Aura of Dark Majesty: -1 enemy leadership in 6" (cumulative). 50pts
Walking Death: +1 combat results. 25pts
Beguile: select one model, may re-roll wounds against chosen model unless it passes Ld -3 roll. 25pts
The Master (affect invocation of nehek)
Lord of the dead: Raise skeltons beyond their starting number gain +1 to cast. 15pts
Summon Creatures of the NIght: Raise Dire wolves, Batswarms And fell bats beyond starting size, gain +1 to cast. 15pts
Summon Ghouls: Raise ghouls beyond starting size, gain +1 to cast. 15pts |
TheVampire |
Wysłany: Nie 21:37, 02 Mar 2008 Temat postu: |
Magic items:
- Sword of Might 15pts
- Sword of Sriking 15pts
- Sword od Battle 15pts
- Bitting Blade 5pts
- War Banner 25pts
- Enchanted shield 10pts
- PS 20 pts
- DS 25 pts
- Staff of Sorcery (+1 Dispell) 35pts
Magic Weapons
Frost Blade 100pts
Any model taking a wound is slain outright.
Dreadlance 60pts
Lance, attacks automatically hit.
Black Axe of Krell 50pts
Wight king only, greatweapon causes d3 wounds, any model not slain must pas a toughness test each round or suffer another wound.
Blooddrinker 40pts
Vampire Only, each unsaved wound heals a wound to the wielder or the unit he is in.
Skabscrath 30pts
bearer causes terror
Sword of Kings 25pts
gains killing blow, wightkings gain killing blow on 5+
Tomb Blade 25pts
If in unit of skeleton warriors each wound creates a new skeleton.
Balefire Spike 10pts
Lance, attacks are flaming.
Carstein Ring 75pts
revive from slain once on a roll of 2+, if returned to life place model in the front rank of any friendly unit on the table. If there is no unit, the vampire is removed as a casualty.
Crown of the damned 35pts
4+ ward save bear subject to stupidity.
Wristbands of Black Gold 30pts
3+ ward save against all ranged attacks. magic missles, templates etc.
Gem of Blood one use only 25pts
first wound suffer in CC, roll die, on 1, take wound and an extra wound, on 2+ the wound is rebounded onto the model that caused it with no armor save.
Arcane Items
Skullstaff 65pts
+1 to casting and dispelling rolls.
Staff of damnation 40pts
Bound 3, all friendly undead with in 12" make a single attack. roll a die each time it is used, breaks on a 1.
Book of Arkhan 35pts
Bound 3, casts Vanhel's Danse Macarbre, roll a die each time it is used, breaks on a 1.
Sceptre de Noirot 25pts
bearer raises d3+9 zombies with raise dead.
Crimson Gem of Lahmia 20pts
Vampires only, at anytime during the magic pahse the bearer may expend one wound to gain a power die.
Black Periapt 15pts
Allows bear to keep one unused power die or one unused dispel die and the end of the phase and add it to his side's power or dispel pool in the next phase.
Magic Armor
Walach's Bloody Hauberk 45pts
gain 4+ save that can be combined with other stuff, also 5+ ward.
Accursed Armor 25pts
Heavy Armor -3 WS, -3I +1T.
Flayed Hauberk 25pts
2+ save that cannot be improved.
Armor of Night 25pts
On foot only, Heavy Armor if wearer is on his own he at -2 to be shot at.
Nightshroud 20pts
Can be taken by Necromancers
Light Armor, attacker lose charging bonus, lose ASF, and have their I reduced to 1.
Cadaverous Cuirass 15pts
Vampires only, Heavy Armor, killing blow and poison have no effect.
Enchanted Items
The hand of dust 50pts
Bound 3 inflicts 2d6 str 5 hits to one unit in contact with bearer as shooting. roll a die, on a 1 it breaks.
Rod of Flaming death 40pts
Bound 3 magic missile d6 str 4, 18" units suffing a casualty take panic check. roll a die, on a 1 it breaks.
Helm of Commandment 30pts
If wearer is not in combat one friendlt unit with in 12" may use bearer weapon skill.
The Cursed Book 20pts
For one round all attacks against bearer are WS 1, One Use Only
Talisman of the Lycni 10pts
Vampire only. Vampire gains move 9.
Drakenhof banner 125pts
unit gains regeneration
Flag of Blood keep 75pts
4+ ward save vs any kind of shooting.
Banner of Barrows 45pts
GG, BK and Wight kings in the unit gain +1 to hit.
Screaming Banner 40pts
Roll extra die on fear checks made against unit discard lowest.
Royal Banner of Strigos 35pts
Unit hates all enemies
Icon of vengance 25pts
Unit does not crumble when general dies
Banner of the dead Legion 25pts
Unit counts as having twice as many models as it actually does
Cursed Pendant 25pts
Unit claiming banner after killing your unit take d6 st4 hits. If they hold onto the banner they take d3 str4 hits every turn. No saves. The banner may be dropped (losing victory points) to avoid the second effect.
Banner of Endless Nightmare 25pts
the unit may claim up to +4 combat res from ranks if they have the models.
Standard of Hellish Vigor 25pts
unit can always march.
Standard of everlasting death 15pts
suffer one fewer casualty from crumble on a 4+
Banner of Hellfire 10pts
unit has magical flaming attacks. |
TheVampire |
Wysłany: Nie 21:16, 02 Mar 2008 Temat postu: |
Rare units:
Black Coach (200pts)
- US 4, no longer Large Target
- W4, horses have S4
- No more 0-1
- 3+ armour save, 4+ ward save
- Wraith driver gets one more attack than before A3
- At the start of every magic phase, both yours and the opponents, roll all Power dices in the general pool.
And also all personal power dices of any wizard within 6 of the coach.
The coach takes all dices that comes up "6".
This gives it powers from a list, starting with small things and then rising. Any dice it takes is gone for that magic phase.
Even if you get all the powers it continues to steal dices.
There is no option about doing it, both players MUST roll their power dices.
If you got several coaches you still only roll the dices once and then you randomice who gets them order:
1) Scythes,
2) Hatred,
3) Magic Resistance (3)
4) Killing Blow,
5) Ethereal,
6) Fly
- Count as a Vampire for the purposes of marching nearby and healing
Knights of the Blood Keep (55 pts)
- Unit size 3+
- WS5, S5, T4, W1, I4, A2, LD7 frenzy
- Lance, heavy armour, shield, barded Greater Nightmares (with S4)
- May have a magic banner (up to 75 pts)
- Command options for musican 10pts, standar bearer 20p, kastellan 20pts
- Kastellan may have magic weapon up to 25pts, must always issue and accept challenge (like old Blood Dragons)
- All KotBK may accept challenges
- Count as Vampires for the purposes of marching nearby and healing
Varghulf (175 pts)
- M8 WS5, S5, T5, W4, I5, A5
- Regeneration
- Terror
- Hatred of everything
- US 4
- has no flank and rear
- Count as a vampire for the purposes of marching nearby and healing
Cairn Wraiths (50pts)
- Unit size 3-10
- Skirmishing unit
- etheral
- Statwise much the same as currently (WS3 S3 T3 I2(3) A3(1))
- have great weapon (S5)
- One wraith can be upgraded to banshee for additional 25 pts
- Banshee have A1 (her scream now works on all enemy units, including those ItP, and can be used as a stand and shoot charge reaction) |
TheVampire |
Wysłany: Nie 17:54, 02 Mar 2008 Temat postu: |
Special units:
Grave Guard (12pts)
- Come with heavy armour, shields and hand weapon
- May have great weapons instead of shield (1pt/model)
- LD6
- Command options for Champion 12pkt , Musican 6pkt, Standard Bearer 12pkt
- May have a magic banner up to 50pkt
Black Knights (24 pts)
- Come with heavy armour, shields and lance
- Barding for +4pts/model
- May have a magic banner up to 50pkt
- Command options for Champion 8pkt , Musican 4pkt, Standard Bearer 8pkt
- Nightmares may move through terrain/obstacles without penalty, in the same manner as Ethereals can (not otherwise Ethereal)
- LD6
Fell Bats (20 pts)
Spirit Host (65pts)
- No longer swarm
- WS4
- Unit size 3-10 |
TheVampire |
Wysłany: Nie 17:51, 02 Mar 2008 Temat postu: |
Core units:
Skeletons (8pts)
- Come with hand weapons, shield and light armour
- May have spear 1pts/model
- May have magic banner up to 25 pts
- Command options for Champion 8pkt , Musican 4pkt, Standard Bearer 8pkt
Zombies (4pts)
- Cheaper
- WS1, Strength 2, Toughness 2, I1
- No longer strike last
- Can not be joined by characters
- Can never pursue ( If a zombie unit wins combat they do not chase. Instead the unit takes D6 S2 hits per 5 zombies left in the winning unit(s), max 5d6 hits)
- Only new unit you can raise
- Unit size 20+
- Command options for Musican 4pkt, Standard Bearer 8pkt
Crypt Ghouls (8pts)
- Stats as now
- Unit size 10+
- Count as Undead
- No longer skirmish
- Only command upgrade is a champion 8pkt
- Can be joined by characters
Dire Wolves (8pts)
- No longer S4 on charge
- Do not count towards your minimum number of Core units
Bat Swarm (35pts)
- Count as Undead
- Lower Leadership (6Ld)
- Do not count towards your minimum number of Core units
Corpse Cart (75pts)
- Has a bound spell (power 3) that will allow friendly units withi 6" to strike first in the next combat
- Do not count towards the minimum number of Core units in the army
- Has Regeneration
- 5+ armor save, Regeneration, 2d6 attacks, S2, T4, 3W, M4.
- The cart can takes either the balefire upgrade or this stone for 25pts.
>Balefire causes enemy spellcasters within 24" to suffer -1 casting (cumulative).
>The stone means any units within 6" gain +1 to thier involcation of nehek wounds, so if you rolled 5 wounds you would get 6. |
TheVampire |
Wysłany: Nie 17:42, 02 Mar 2008 Temat postu: |
Vampire Count (205 pts)
- Can get 100 pts of items plus 100 pts of vampire powers
- Starts as a level 2 wizard, may be upgraded to level 3 (+50 pts) and may be upgraded with the appropriate Vampire Power to level 4
- May ride:
>Zombie Dragon (WS6, S6, T5, A5) 275pts
>Abyssal Terror ("Winged Nightmare", WS4) 175pts
>Hellsteed (Nightmare with fly rule) 30pts
>unbarded Nightmare 15pts
>May also ride a barded Nightmare (or Hellsteed) with the appropriate vampire power
- May explicitly always buy a magic weapon and wear magic armour, regardless of which vampire powers they buy
Vampire (100 pts)
- New name for Thralls
- Start as level 1 wizard, may be upgraded with the appropriate Vampire Power to level 2
- Can get 50 pts of items plus 50 pts of vampire powers
- May ride a Hellsteed or unbarded Nightmare. May also ride a barded Nightmare with the appropriate vampire power
- May explicitly always buy a magic weapon and wear magic armour, regardless of which vampire powers they buy
- May be BSB for +25 pts
Necromancers (55 pts)
- Start off knowing Invocation of Nehekh and can buy the other two Necromantic Spells for 15 pts each.
- level 1 wizards, may not be upgraded
- May be mounted in Corpse Carts
- May ride nightmare
Wight Kings (new name for Wight Lords)
- M4 WS4 BS3 S4 T5 W3 I4 3A LD9
- May be BSB for +25 pts
- skeletal steed 15pts, barding 5pts
- lance 12pts
- great weapon 10pts
- repleace shield to additional hand weapon 8pts |
TheVampire |
Wysłany: Nie 17:36, 02 Mar 2008 Temat postu: |
- Invocation of Nehek, Raise Dead and Vanhel’s Danse Macabre are Necromancy spells.
A wizard can cast a Necromancy spell more than once in a Magic phase, and may even cast it several times upon the same unit.
#0 Invocation of Nehek (4+)
- Every caster has it (even if chose other than Necromancy Magic)
- Heals any undead unit (d6+4 zombies, d6 of any other infantry unit, 1 wound for non-infantry or any kind of vampire/ethereal unit)
- Range 12"
- If a unit is increased above its original size then destroyed, it is still only worth the original number of vp's.
#1 Raise Death (5+)
- Summons d6 +4 zombies within 12" from the caster and min 1" from enemy units.
- Unit is worth 50 VP no matter how big it is.
#2 Vanhel's Danse Macabre (7+)
- Range 12"
- Lets you move a unit that is not in combat, as before
- For a unit that is already in combat, the effect is as for the old Hellish Vigour
#3 Gaze of Nagash (8+)
- Magic Missiles, 2D6 Strenght 4
#4 Curse of Years (8+)
- Range changed to 18"
#5 Wind of Undeath (12+)
- Every enemy unit on the board takes one wound on a D6 roll of 4+ (no armour save)
- Wounds caused lets you create a new Spirit Host within 12" away from the caster and min 1" from enemy units with that number of wounds.
#6 Summon Zombie Horde (12+)
- Can be used to create a new unit of 5d6 zombies within 12" from the caster, or heals 3d6 wounds, spread across the army as you wish, subject to the normal limitations (i.e. max 1 wound on vampires, etc.) |
TheVampire |
Wysłany: Nie 17:33, 02 Mar 2008 Temat postu: |
Special rules:
- Applies to all units, including those not technically dead.
- Ward saves and regeneration may be taken against wounds suffered from crumbling
- Units within 6" of ANY Vampire may march, not just general (includes Blood Knights, Black Coach and Varghulf)
- Restriction that general must be a Vampire
- Units may not generally be healed beyond their initial number of models, with the exception of zombies.
Certain vampire powers will also let you raise other units (skeletons, wolves, bats and ghouls) beyond their initial number of models
-stays as it is, except they now include an immunity to spells that hinder movement, and unit may not be affected by special rules, spells etc that will reduce their movement. |
TheVampire |
Wysłany: Nie 17:25, 02 Mar 2008 Temat postu: Vampire Count Army Prerelease |
Temat poświęcony zasadom nowej armii Vampire Counts. |